Monday. The dreaded day. If you're one of those perky, I-can't-wait-to-charge-into-the-week-and-meet-my-challenges-with-a-smile kinds of people, then, just, jolly good for you. Only know this: the rest of us really, really don't like you right now.
I learned a couple of things this weekend. First, I discovered that Home Depot has some competition, apparently from a store targeting people inspired to redo their living rooms after watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It seemed that way, at least, after Eli asked: "Can I go wif you to da Homo Depot?"
The hyper-sensitive will take offense, but you all know in your heart of hearts that Carson would think it's hilarious. Either way, it looks like we got rid of cable not a moment too soon.
And Caleb taught me a little something about endurance. It was Saturday morning breakfast, and I sat at the table huddled over my cup of coffee and a Bible, trying to muster the energy to charge into the day because, if you haven't figured it out by now, I don't really have any enthusiasm for charging anything in the morning. Caleb, sensing my need for encouragement, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Dad, you're persevering, 'cause you're keepin' on keepin' on. That's what persevering is."
Amen, young brother. So that's my wisdom for all of you as we begin another week at the grindstone. Persevere. Or, if it suits your inner Soul Man better, keep on keepin' on.
Posted by Woodlief on May 16, 2005 at 08:57 AM
(shakes head ruefully)
What IS it about God and His timing?
I was having one of those Mondays, trying hard to hang on to my faith. And your little one has said just what I needed, and your Daddy filter made it even better.
I thank God. Will you thank Caleb for me? :)
And have a God week.